We, the undersigned farmer-elected directors of the CWB, and Saskatchewan citizens, request that the Saskatchewan Government endorse farmers’ democratic right to determine the future of their marketing organization for wheat and barley.
Last year the Saskatchewan government felt compelled to actively lobby for and support
a single desk for the potash industry. You have so far refused to assist farmers in having a voice in a similar, but far more profound, matter.
We feel it is time for all of our provincial politicians to speak out on an issue which will have far-reaching and long-lasting effects on all farmers in Saskatchewan.
The federal government has promised to introduce legislation this fall which will fundamentally change a marketing system that Prairie farmers run and pay for. It has also stated that, contrary to existing legislation, it will not allow farmers to have a say in that change.
This abusive action would strip farmers of their democratic right to choose the marketing system that they feel best suits their needs and puts the most dollars in their pockets. It is the responsibility and duty of our provincial government to defend farmers’ right to make their wishes known in a fairly worded plebiscite, as required by current legislation.
By speaking up for Saskatchewan farmers, our politicians would not be taking sides on the CWB itself, but they would be standing up for democracy. We expect no less of our elected officials.
Cam Goff
Hanley, Saskatchewan
Elected Director, CWB District 6
Bill Woods
Eston, Saskatchewan
Elected Director, CWB District 4
Rod Flaman
Edenwold, Saskatchewan
Elected Director, CWB District 8
Kyle Korneychuk
Pelly, Saskatchewan
Elected Director, CWB District 5
Stewart Wells
Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Elected Director, CWB District 3