Canadian Wheat Board Wheat Pool Account Earnings 1997-2012
Each of the CWB’s Annual Reports contains a separate section on the financial results of the wheat, durum, barley, and designated barley pools. The bottom line item for each pool is “earnings for distribution.”
“Earnings for distribution” is what the CWB distributed to farmers and included the extra income the CWB earned on credit sales and other things minus operating expenses.
Here are the “Earning for Distribution” for the wheat pool account from the CWB’s Annual Reports:
Crop Year…… $/mt
2012-13………. withheld on the order of Agriculture Minister Ritz
2011-12………. $302.34 farmer-elected Board dismissed in December 2011
2010-11………. $313.74
2009-10………. $225.05
2008-09………. $208.29
2007-08………. $368.31
2006-07………. $210.10
2005-06………. $171.24
2004-05………. $178.06
2003-04………. $213.09
2002-03………. $226.41
2001-02………. $217.54
2000-01………. $190.83
1999-00………. $179.64
1998-99………. $201.78 First year of farmer-elected Board
1997-98………. $199.73
Please note individual results will vary with protein and grade premiums, and the handling charges deducted by grain companies at different locations.