Are farmers dealing with 117 year old problem?
(February 28, 2017) One of the most well founded complaints from prairie grain farmers is about not getting fair weighing and grading of their grain by elevator companies. In fact 117 years ago this March the Senkler Royal Commission tabled its report documenting how prairie grain handling companies were exploiting farmers through price fixing, dishonest weights, and even more dishonest...
Read MoreMore FUD about western grain
(November 23, 2015) I suppose it had to happen sooner or later. From the Bizzaro world of the Frontier Center, where black is white and up is down, comes the absurd claim that Canada’s grain grading system is the laughing stock of the world. This claim, apparently designed to sow fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) was recently published in the National/Financial Post, one of Canada’s...
Read MoreGM Wheat Leak
(October 4, 2014) This September the US Department of Agriculture announced it had found unapproved genetically modified (GM) wheat growing in Montana. This new discovery follows a similar discovery in Oregon in 2013 which disrupted US wheat export shipments for a time. These US cases raise red flags for Canadian farmers because the discovery of the glyphosate (trade named “Roundup”) tolerant...
Read MoreAnother spending scandal in Saskatchewan
by admin on May 28, 2013 in Articles and Letters
By Bruce Johnstone, The Leader-Post May 24, 2013 While all eyes are focused on the Senate expense scandal, another Harper government scandal is slowly unfolding right here in Saskatchewan. The scandal, if you will, is the wholesale dismantling of government institutions, including Canadian Wheat Board, Canadian Grain Commission, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Community Pasture...
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