Food Genetics – Carlier supports farmers
– will other prairie Ag Ministers follow his lead? (January 29, 2019) For months prairie farmers have been pushing back against a so-called Seed Value/Seed Synergy proposal to effectively privatize Canada’s cereals genetics and give it to some of the largest agro-chemical-seed companies in the world. So it was good to see Alberta Minister of Agriculture Oneil Carlier quoted in the...
Read MoreFood Genetics – farmers created it all
(November 28, 2018) Editor’s Note: The Federal Government and representatives of the three giant agro-chemical-seed companies are working to take control of seed genetics away from prairie farmers and the Canadian public. The following compilation of two articles by my late friend and colleague Paul Beingessner about how grain and other food genetics are created by farmers is more...
Read MoreHarper legacy kills another premium wheat market
(June 15, 2018) Japan has announced the (hopefully temporary) suspension of wheat purchases. The suspension followed quickly after the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s announcement yesterday of the discovery of genetically modified glyphosate-resistant wheat in southern Alberta. Japan was always one of our Canadian Wheat Board’s customers willing to pay premium prices for quality-assured...
Read MoreEnd of Wheat Board marks end of frontier values of cooperation and equality
(August 1, 2017) The end of the Canadian Wheat Board five years ago certainly proves that unregulated capitalism works very effectively for the powerful and well organized. Declining numbers and increasing debt show it does not work for farmers. The CWB was a hybrid organization providing farmers with collective bargaining power, a professional standards association, and a world-wide reputation...
Read MoreThe right to repair your own farm machinery
(March 28, 2017) Most of us have purchased a DVD movie and watched the threats of jail and fines for copying the content on the opening screen. Any farmer who has purchased private sector based canola seed (and paid seven times the cost of publically created Certified Seed) knows about these types of draconian copyright notices and contracts as well. What many farmers may not know is the same...
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