Canola Growers buying fairy dust with farmers’ money
(May 30, 2014) Last month the Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) provided western farmers with their laugh of the day when they breathlessly opined in a news release that an amendment to the so-called Fair Rail for Grain Farmers Act “could open the door to have compensation flow back to farmers from the grain companies, when railway service failure has occurred.” At the time many...
Read MoreFairy Dust stalls Senate
(May 13, 2014) There is more news on the Fairy Dust for Grain Farmers Act. Apparently a procedural matter has slowed the Senate’s rubber stamping this bit of legislative smoke and mirrors with predicable huffing and puffing from Conservative Senators desperate to be seen doing something to off-set the billions of dollars of damage they’ve already done to western grain farmers by killing the...
Read MoreThe Ostrich of Ottawa
(December 31, 2013) This month Minister Ritz continued to claim western farmers were being frivolous to expect compensation for the assets of the Canadian Wheat Board they bought and paid for. Who does he think he is fooling? Certainly not farmers. It was fifty years ago that the Canadian Wheat Board moved into its new building at 425 Main in downtown Winnipeg. At the time the CWB...
Read MoreMenzies joins Ottawa lobby group
Following tradition Ted Menzies, the recently resigned MP for the southern Alberta riding of MacLeod is staying in Ottawa to lobby government on behalf of genetically modified crops and agro-chemical manufactures as the new President of industry funded lobby group CropLife Canada. With the recent approval of genetically modified alfalfa, and the approvals of genetically modified wheat, salmon,...
Read MorePoor hospitality
by admin on Aug 13, 2013 in Articles and Letters
If Wallin showed up unannounced at any farm in Saskatchewan chances are she would be invited in for a cup of coffee. Yet when Saskatchewan farmers were at her office doorstep for three weeks, she would not extend that same courtesy.
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