TPP will benefit canola and beef?
– Oh please! (When pigs fly) (Oct. 16/15) Some claim beef and canola will benefit from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). As the kids would say with an eye-roll: “Oh please.” A little reality check is in order. First off, the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) never had any problem selling into Asian markets. Why? Simply because the CWB and the Canadian Grain Commission guaranteed a...
Read MoreCool win a loss for Canadians
(July 20/15) This year’s spring seeding was largely uneventful thanks to very favorable weather which now appears to be sliding into a less favourable drought in parts of the prairies. However the headlines have not stopped nor has the damage from our ham-handed but ideologically pure friends in Ottawa. A pedigreed seed grower tells me that last year’s decision by Agriculture Minister Ritz...
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