Cereals Canada resorts to personal attacks

(Pelly, Sk., February 10, 2015) Kyle Korneychuk, spokesperson for the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance (CWBA), an independent prairie-wide farm group released the following commentary on the personal attack generated by a January CWBA news release titled “Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Raises Concerns:” Last month the CWBA issued a news release pointing out that Cereals Canada was made up...

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Ritz successful in removing farmers’ rights

Giant Agro-chemical seed companies win passage of Agricultural Growth Act (November 28, 2014) Over the past few weeks the farm papers have been full of quotes from Agriculture Minister Ritz claiming he has made the right to save seed absolutely clear in his Agricultural Growth Act (C-18) which was passed in Ottawa this week. In a way he has – although not in the way many may think. With the...

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