How long does Thunder Bay have?

(August 3, 2016) Last week’s effective closure of the port of Churchill as a grain shipping port and likely a rail-based adventure tourist destination marks another sad milestone in the transformation of the western grain economy.  In spite of assurances from the Western Grain Elevators Association (WGEA) that they have lots of handling capacity at Thunder Bay to offset the loss of Churchill;...

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Churchill was about value for farmers

(July 28, 2016) It is never well received to say “we told you so” but the people of the Churchill, Manitoba region, this organization, and many others have long warned that killing the farmer-controlled, single-desk Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) would spell the end of the Port of Churchill and much else. Some 95% of the grain going through Churchill was directed there by the single-desk CWB...

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Churchill layoffs a preventable tragedy

(Pelly, Sask., July 26, 2016) “The layoff notices to grain workers and others at the port of Churchill, Manitoba are a tragedy for both the workers and farmers in western Canada,” said  Kyle Korneychuk spokesperson for the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance (CWBA), an independent prairie-wide farm group.  “What is worse is they were entirely preventable.” Korneychuk went on to say: ...

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