Canadian Wheat now cheapest in the world

This just in from the Reuters news agency out of Hamburg, Germany: Canadian wheat is now the cheapest in the world. How times change! With the single-desk Canadian Wheat Board farmers sold directly to overseas markets and got premium prices because of reliability of supply, honesty, and guaranteeing the highest quality grain in the world. Thanks to Ottawa that is all gone now and Canadian sourced...

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Another year, another transportation study

It is 18 months after Ottawa killed the CWB, grain is not moving and prairie prices have fallen by half on wheat and barley. Farmers are no longer being paid for their high protein wheat; Our major customers are complaining about delays and a lack of quality assurance so they’re going elsewhere. Even the western Australians are eating our lunch on feed barley.  Could the fact they are on...

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Ottawa’s science experiment on farmers

(January 8, 2014) With Ottawa now systematically destroying books in university and fisheries libraries across Canada, just as their appointees did to the library at the Canadian Wheat Board, many are noticing that evidence is no longer part of Ottawa’s decision making. However we have to give Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz full marks for conducting a science experiment in grain marketing. ...

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Say Goodbye

(October 8, 2013) Now that the Canadian Wheat Board is gone, how long will it be before the lights are turned off for export grain handling from Canadian ports?  It may be sooner than many think. Some years ago, when Lorne Hehn was the chief commissioner of the Canadian Wheat Board he examined alternative ways to get CWB grain to international markets.  Moving grain across the prairies and over...

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One year after CWB

NEWS RELEASE One year after CWB, private market fails farmers (Regina, August 1, 2013)  “A year after the end of the single desk Canadian Wheat Board it is clear western farmers are no longer receiving the full value for their grain.  It is also clear most of the missing value is being taken by the private grain trade,” Bill Gehl, chairperson of the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance remarked on...

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