Let us pray

It used to be said that farmers prayed for a good crop and the private trade preyed on a good crop.  With the anticipated end of our single desk Canadian Wheat Board, it looks like we are there again. Minister Ritz claimed there would be more choice and freedom without our single desk.  The sale of Viterra underlines just how faulty that logic was. After the Wheat Pool cooperatives were...

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Trading Grain Companies instead of grain

by Herb Schulz Winnipeg The “expressions of interest” to buy Viterra “Canada’s biggest publicly-traded grain handler” by foreign-owned agri-food giants (“Sask. To Weigh Impact Of Viterra Takeover”) indicates the Harper Government’s emasculation of the Canadian Wheat Board has made grain-handling so profitable for CORPORATIONS that it has induced trade in grain COMPANIES instead of...

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Unintended Consequences?

Last week grain handling company Viterra apparently became the focus of a takeover bid.  This triggered an early Friday morning suspension of trading in its shares and a later share price jump of around 25%.  Earlier in the week Ritz’s version of the Canadian Wheat Board announced it had signed a handling agreement with Cargill one of the largest grain companies in the world. Many supporters...

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