1973 Wheat

by: Darrell Stokes (Hussar, AB)  In 1973 I received over $6 for a bushel of #1 wheat. That was when a brand new Massey combine sold for about $30,000. Expenses like fertilizer, fuel, chemical, insurance, overhead and so on, were much less in 1973 of course, so a likely profit on that bushel would have been around $4. NEWS FLASH: 43 years later farmers are still receiving $6 for that bushel of...

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Ottawa’s science experiment on farmers

(January 8, 2014) With Ottawa now systematically destroying books in university and fisheries libraries across Canada, just as their appointees did to the library at the Canadian Wheat Board, many are noticing that evidence is no longer part of Ottawa’s decision making. However we have to give Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz full marks for conducting a science experiment in grain marketing. ...

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