Who killed Churchill?
by admin on Sep 17, 2016 in Articles and Letters
by Eric Sagan (September 17, 2016) Recently Omnitrax the owner of the Port of Churchill said they were closing the port and no grain shipments would be occurring for 2016. How could we have come to this where a private company can dictate to farmers and essentially to the whole Nation that a port outlet would be closed to export because of their financial need? Does anyone consider the benefits...
Read MoreCWB testimony found surprising
by admin on Aug 2, 2016 in Articles and Letters
Yorkton This Week by: Kyle Korneychuk, Former CWB Director (August 2, 2016) I was surprised reading the recent transcripts of the testimony of Mr. Greg Meredith, AAFC Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy Branch, when he was providing testimony to the House of Commons Finance Committee about the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). He described a CWB I did not recognize. As a former member of...
Read MoreRobert Roy Atkinson
by admin on May 20, 2016 in Articles and Letters
Robert Roy Atkinson (CM) Passed away on May 17, 2016, surrounded with the love of his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Roy was a character who loved his family and all things Irish. He was the oldest of ten born on February 17, 1924, to Bob and Elsie Atkinson on the farm his grandfather and grandmother homesteaded in 1906 located north of Springwater, Saskatchewan. As a young...
Read More1973 Wheat
by admin on Feb 5, 2016 in Articles and Letters
by: Darrell Stokes (Hussar, AB) In 1973 I received over $6 for a bushel of #1 wheat. That was when a brand new Massey combine sold for about $30,000. Expenses like fertilizer, fuel, chemical, insurance, overhead and so on, were much less in 1973 of course, so a likely profit on that bushel would have been around $4. NEWS FLASH: 43 years later farmers are still receiving $6 for that bushel of...
Read MoreSask. Wheat, Barley, and Pulse Commission Elections 2015
by kenlarsen on Nov 11, 2015 in Articles and Letters
(November 10, 2015) CWBA has reviewed all the candidates for the current Saskatchewan commodity commission elections. You will or should have received mail in ballots for the Sask. Wheat Development Commission, the Sask. Barley Development Commission and the Sask. Pulse Commission* if you have paid those levies. We are asking farmers to support the following candidates mainly because they support...
Read MoreRoehle inducted into Agricultural Hall of Fame
by kenlarsen on Oct 29, 2015 in Articles and Letters
by Ken Larsen. (October 29, 2015) I missed paying tribute to a colleague and friend, Bob Roehle, when he was inducted into the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame this summer. Many will know Bob as the former Vice President of Communications at the Canadian Wheat Board. For a detailed listing of Bob’s extensive involvement with agriculture I would point readers to the following article in the...
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